Opqo 22.05.0 adds support for performing location/asset searches offline when reporting issues and creating ad-hoc inspections.  This is an addition to the existing functionality that allows offline selection of locations and assets from assigned work orders.

There are two parts to this configuration:

  1. Offline Query Definition:  Maximo queries that identify the locations and assets that are available offline. 
  2. Device Search Behaviour:  By default, an online search is conducted first, with offline search being performed if connectivity is not available.   This can be changed via configuration to restrict searches to offline data only.

These can be combined to specify a subset of locations/assets to be made available offline, while retaining access to the complete set of locations/assets when connectivity is available.

The offline datasets and search behavior for location and asset searches can be changed independently.

Note: Adding locations/assets to offline data will result in potentially significant amounts of additional data being downloaded to the device during synchronization, which will increase the time this takes.

Testing should be performed on the desired queries to assess the exact impact in your environment.

The sections below describe these areas of configuration in more detail.

Offline Query Definition

To configure Opqo to download locations and assets for offline search, modify the following object structure queries:

  • worksearchoffline on the STAMLOCATIONDETAIL object structure: This controls the locations that will be available for offline search 
  • worksearchoffline on the STAMASSETDETAIL object structure: This controls the assets that will be available for offline search

The default values for these queries is 1=0, which results in no additional records being available offline searches.  Locations/assets on assigned work orders are still be available for selection offline.

The online search uses the base query worksearch that is defined on both object structures.  This may serve as a useful starting point for offline queries.

More detail on the base data queries that Opqo configures and uses can be found in the article: Changing base data queries.

Device Search Behavior

Opqo provides the following options for location/asset search behavior:

  1. An online search is attempted first, with an offline search being performed if connectivity is not available.  This is the default behavior.
  2. Location/asset searches are restricted to offline searches only. This may be useful if network conditions mean that online searches are unreliable, and the user is regularly having to wait for network timeouts.

To configure option 2 (offline search only), add configuration to the general section of the STAUTOSCRIPT.STAMCONFIG automation script in the Maximo environment as follows:

appConfig = {
  "general": {
    "search": {
      "asset": {
        "strategy": "offlineOnly"
      "location": {
        "strategy": "offlineOnly"

Valid values for strategy are:

  • onlineFirst - the default behavior corresponding to option 1 in the above list. Online search will be attempted first, with offline search used if there is no connectivity.
  • offlineOnly - the behavior corresponding to option 2 in the above list. Search will only be performed using offline data. Online search will not occur.

Note: Configuring Location/Asset search to be offlineOnly without also modifying the appropriate worksearchoffline query will mean search occurs against an empty offline data set and no records will be returned.

More detail on modifying the STAMCONFIG script can be found in the article: Configuration Overview.